

The Folk Ensemble "LUGOJANA" tradition and contemporaneousness

Lugoj, the cultural heart, the little Vienna of the Banat imposed itself since 19th century as a town with important artistic achievements for the spiritual national and regional life. Besides the art of choir singing and stage acting, the nostalgia of the old folk songs and dances that come out of the heart of the village, it became a consent and a necessity in the harmonious and at the same time tumultuous existence of the city.

Important institutions that were either administrative or artistic were created to serve these cultural steps. One of these creative cores is the Folk Ensemble "LUGOJANA" that had made true these fects that have as an origin the good Romanian folklore. Created in 1960 to the House of Culture of the town of Lugoj,  the ensemble soon became a very highly appreciated ensemble in the Banat area, in the country and even in Europe.

Made up of amateurs, this artistic group was already remarked thanks to its rich and variated repertory, to the authenticity of the folk costumes to its high quality and art. The exeptional professionalism of the dance instructor Puiu Munteanu made possible a choreographic repertory comprising the whole Romanian folklore and ethnogaphy from the Banat dances to the Oas to the lively rhythm with syncopated steps and shouts of the dances from Oltenia. The choreography is adaptable to any concert hall or any place where an artistic event is organized.

All these led to a high competitiveness and to the integration of the ensemble into the international festivals and to several affiliations to important European forums. Under aegis of some of these and thanks to some invitations that come from the twinted towns, the Folk Ensemble "LUGOJANA" took part in several folk meetings in Denmark (1997, 1998, 2003); Greece (1997, 2003); France(1993); Italy (1999); Serbia (1999, 2001), Hungary (1994, 1995, 1996).

Having among its most importants objectives the creation of real image of the Romanian culture in the world the ensemble organizes together with the local, regional and national institutions The International Folk festival "Ana Lugojana" that was included in the international circuit of the Folk festivals (C.I.O.F.F.) that completes the holiday of the town and that brought during the previous editions guests from: Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Greece, Germany, Italy, Moldavia, Poland, Spain, Serbia, Hungary as well as all the representative ethnographic regions of Romania.

Director: Nicolae Blidaru