l' Ukraine

PROLISSOK   Kirovograd

über den mehrmaligen Preisträger internationaler Festivale und Wettbewerbe - das choreograp- hische Kinderensembel ‘PROLISSOK’ (auf deutsch ‘SCHNEEGLOCKCHEN’) Kirovograd, Ukraine.  

Das Schaffen der choreographischen Kindervolkstanzgruppe ‘PROLISSOK’ ist eng mit Mannigfaltigkeit und Reichtum des ukrainischen Volkstanzes verbunden. Dies Schaffen enthält ein hohes künstlerisches Niveau und eine hohe berufsmäßige Ausführungskultur. Die Gruppe besteht 25 Jahre.  

Konzertprogramme des Kinderensembels bestehen sowohl aus ukrainischen Volkstänzen aus allen Regionen der Ukraine, als auch aus Volkstänzen vieler Völker der Welt.  

Im rein ukrainischen Programm werden die Trachten gebraucht, die für die Volkstänze dieser oder jener Region der Ukraïne typisch sind. Diese Trachten werden von hochqualifizierten Volkskunstschaffenden manuel angefertigt und enthalten alle Einzelheiten der Kleidertrachten vergangener Zeiten.  

Die Vorführungen der Tanzgruppe ‘PROLISSOK’ kennzeichnen sich in der originellen Verwirklichung der Idee, in der Individualität, in Meisterhaftigkeit und Eigenartigkeit der Kinder.  

In das Programm der Gruppe flechten sich organisch choreographische Kompositionen in Formen des schnellen Redetempos, Gesangs und Spielens Nationalmusikinstrumente hinein.  

Meisterhafte Beherrschung aller technischen Tanzelemente übt einen unvergeßlichen Eindruck auf Zuschauer aus.  

Zum Konzertprogramm der Tanzgruppe gehören auch solche vokal-choreographische Kompositionen wie ‘Guten Abend - Ukraïne’, ‘Lustige Kinderspiele’ ‘Von einer Generation zur anderen’ usw.  

Die Kindervolkstanzgruppe ‘PROLISSOK’ zeigte mehrmals ihr Können in solchen Ländern wie Japan, Deutschland, Frankreich, Jugoslawien, Bulgarien, Polen.  

Uberden Erfolg der Gruppe im Ausland zeugen zahlreiche Zeitungskritikartikel bekannter Kunstwissenschaftler Westeuropas und Asiens.  

Wir würden uns sehr freuen, solche Möglichkeit zu haben, die Zuschauer in den Niederlanden, Deutschland, Belgien und Frankreich mit unseren Vorführungen zu bezaubern. 


KIEV   Kiev

1960: Bom Karaganda (Kazachstan).

1963: The family came back to Russia .

1968 - 1974: Primary school. Taking part in amateur dance performances.

1974-1979: Studied stage forms of folk dances on the basis of Russian balletschool, (city of Voronezh ). Participation in Russian dance performances in France (1977), Japan (1978).

1979-1981: Military service in Kiev ; military ensemble of folk singing and dancing.

1981-1994: Leading perfortner of Ukrainian folk dances in State Veriovka Choir company.

Presenation of Ukrainian folk dances in Korea, Great Brittain, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Germany, France, Belgium, Luxemburg, Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador, Dominican Republie, El Salvador, Costa Rica.

1994-1999-. Dancer-solist in folk ereative eentre "Gopak'. Tours in Holland and France . Studied at Kiev State Culture University . Graduated (1996) with diploma "Dance teacher, ballet master, rehearsals trainer."

1995 - until now: senior teacher of folk choreography chair at Kiev State Culture University .

Published two textbooks of Russian folk dances, prepares ncw manual of Spanish dances. Founded students dance company, participation in folk dance festivals in Slovakia (1999), Holland (2000), ltaly (2000) and Holland (2001). Training and teachers' classes on Russian and Ukrainian dances - in Slovakia and Holland . Good pressreference and awards of festival organizors for original and professional stage dance performances.

Working experience of many years in professional dance companies, studying with great care dances of different people and its modern stylished forms of stage realization provided V. Shlorinenko, the possibility to create his own method of folk dance-teaching.

His students dance performances are notable for high professional level and were rewarded with medals and diplomas in Holland , ltaly and Slovakia .

Exehange of dance-teaching methods, interchange of the students and tcachers for cognative cducation and studying folk traditions of their countries, training and rnaster-classes realisation, propaganda of European spiritual heritage aniong young peopie - are considered by V. Shkorinenko as main directions of his teaching and creative work.

Shkorinenko Valeriy


ZAPOROZHYE   Zaporozhye

Ensemble: ‘Zaporozhye Cossacks’ from Zaporozhye, Ukraine

The group’s name takes  its origin from the region in the southeastern part of the Ukraine known as the Motherhood of brave Zaporozhye Cossacks. The city of Zaporozhye takes the 3-rd place in Ukraine as an industrial one famous for its steel-works, automotive factory, aluminium, non-ferrous, titan-magnesium plants, aircraft engine building factory and others. With almost one million inhabitants and the territory of the district equal to 2/3 of Austria the city of Zaporozhye has a big scientific, industrial and cultural potential.

Zaporozhye Cossack’s Folkdance Group was founded in 1976 at the Palace of Culture ‘Metallurgist’ of the Zaporozhye Steel Works  with an aim to preserve and  restore the Cossack way of life, Ukrainian songs and folk dances and to present them to the world-wide audience.  The members of the group are young people: students, employees and workers from Zaporozhye and its surroundings.

The dancing program includes ‘small forms’ with lower number of dancers and lasting 5-7 minutes and complete program blocks within 20 minutes. The whole program (including all sections) lasts non-stop 1 – 1,5 hours. The program is also contributed and accom-panied by own instrumental music group.

The group’s  repertoire comprises  dancing performances which cover a  wide area of the Ukraine from the Carpathian  Mountains to the Black Sea and  shows the rich variety of the Ukrainian cultural inheritance, characterized by soft lyric, lively humor and  fiery artistic entertainment.

The group achieved  numerous awards  for its dance performances in the Ukraine and wishes to establish a bridge of understanding between Ukrainian people and the peoples of the whole world through the international folkdance language. It took already successful part in folkloristic events in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria Czechia, Denmark and Poland.



In a traditional dance of welcome from the many regions of the Ukraine, bread and salt – the two universal symbols of hospitality and friendship – are offered to the audience.


Dating back to the 17-th century, the military games and spear drills that inspired this dan- ce were part of the daily routine of the Zaporizhya-Cossacks. Nikolai Gogol immortalized them in his novels and stories about the Ukraine.  


Lyrical farewell of a Cossack with his sweet- heart before leaving for a battle.  


Mythological dance – personification of beautiful flower-maids.  


A humorous choreographic dance performance.  


A lively dance originated from the mountains of West Ukraine with lots of movements, “flying” and entertainment.  


A carefully restored traditional dance peculiar to the Zaporozhye region.  


Derived from a centuries-old contest, this dance is said to have been a favorite Cossack pastime when the warriors relaxed around the campfires.  


Quadrille dance.  


The national Ukrainian dance, perhaps the best known and most popular of the world’s folk dances, expresses the beauty of the Ukrainian women and courage of men.The cry “Hop”, accompanying each figure, has given it the alternate name of Hopak.